Thursday, November 2, 2017

Dr. Suess - Podcast Recommendation

I've struggled with the Dr. Suess question - as a child he was one of my favorite authors and many of his books offer wonderful lessons (in particular, The Sneetches and, a personal favorite, The Lorax).  If you're unaware of the controversy - just do a google image search for "Dr. Seuss racist cartoons" and the dilemma is self-evident.  Am I comfortable with my son learning about these cartoons and knowing that I read him books by the same author?  I don't know.  Currently, the only two books we own are The Sneetches and How The Grinch Stole Christmas! - both presents, but both presents which I knowingly accepted.

I recently listened to an episode of The Gist podcast discussing this very point, which I found helpful - though it didn't entirely clear up the issue for me I'm sticking with my some selected Dr. Suess stories stance.  Listen here.

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